Cleaning Checklist for the Home

Cleaning the house is probably one of the least fun tasks of all time to do. However, it’s one of those necessary things that we have on our to-do list, and must get done. And in order to make cleaning a little less painful, and a whole lot more manageable, I’ve put together a cleaning checklist for the home. This checklist assigns certain tasks for you to do each day, Monday through Friday. That way, you’re not stuck cleaning the whole house at one time, and this routine helps you avoid having to do any cleaning on the weekends.

In this post, I’m also compiling many of my cleaning hacks for around the household, so they’re all in one spot for you to look back on. So if you find this post helpful, be sure to bookmark it, so you can refer back to it often.

Cleaning Checklist for the Home

Daily Tasks

There are some things that just make sense to clean daily. With high-traffic areas, it can get messy quickly. So at the end of the day, I always like to do these four things, so I can wake up to a clean and tidy house. This helps me start the day on the right foot each morning.

  • Clear dishes in the sink

  • Clean off countertops

  • Quick sweep or vacuum in main areas

  • Pick up all kids’ toys

Monday’s Checklist

Monday’s checklist is all about the bathrooms. If you have kids, you know the bathrooms get messy quick! Whether it’s toothpaste all over the sink, the toilet could use a good clean or other messes, it feels good to get the bathrooms cleaned up.

  • Clean toilets

  • Sweep/vacuum and mop

  • Clean sink and mirrors

  • Spray down shower/tub

  • Wipe down countertops

If you’re looking for a handy mop to clean multiple hard surfaces in your house, this Shark Steam mop is amazing. Because it’s a steam mop, it sanitizes 99.9 percent of the household bacteria, and you only need water and the mop. It’s convenient, and the mop head detaches, so you can wash it after every use.

Another cleaning tool I highly recommend to make cleaning the shower a breeze is this rotating scrub brush. Spray your shower down with your preferred shower cleaner, and use this to scrub your shower down without you having to put too much elbow grease into it. It spins itself and gives a deep clean to all the nooks and crannies of your shower or tub.

My Cleaning Essentials

cleaning checklist for the home

Tuesday’s Checklist

On Tuesdays, we dive into the bedrooms. Get your kiddos involved with this too. Have them put away any toys or clothes that are on the floor. Depending on their ages, you can also have them take the sheets off the bed, and start the laundry.

  • Change the sheets

  • Declutter and organize

  • Put away the laundry

  • Dust

  • Vacuum

Wednesday’s Checklist

On Wednesdays, we tidy up the laundry room and entryway. This is the day you want to catch up on laundry. Ideally, if you have a family of four or more, one load a day should help you stay on top of it. But life happens and sometimes, we don’t have time to do that, so having a day allocated to playing catch up is nice to have.

  • Wash and put away laundry

  • Clean laundry area - dust off washer and dryer

  • Declutter and organize

  • Vacuum/mop

  • Take out the trash (this should be included on the day before trash pickup is for your household)

Speaking of laundry, if you need a good hack to get your towels to smell amazing and look fresh again, watch this REEL HERE.

Thursday’s Checklist

cleaning checklist for the home

Thursdays are for the living room. This room and the kitchen are the heart of our home and high-traffic areas. Many toys usually make their way into the living room by Thursday of each week. So this is a great day to reset and spruce the space up.

  • Organize and declutter

  • Clean windows and blinds

  • Dust

  • Vacuum

Friday’s Checklist

Last but certainly not least is the kitchen on Fridays! I have a super power cleaner that I discovered that does all the things in your kitchen. Well other places too, but it’s really amazing for cleaning tasks in the kitchen. It’s the Dawn Platinum PowerWash, and can clean ALL.THE.THINGS. First I love to clean my appliances with it. You can see how I do that in this REEL HERE. I also clean my backsplash with it seen in this REEL HERE, and on my stovetop HERE. It’s pretty magical. You can use a microfiber cloth to wipe down the surfaces you clean with the PowerWash. That way, you’re not constantly using paper towels. That can get costly really quick.

  • Wipe down appliances and countertops

  • Clean out and wipe down refrigerator

  • Declutter pantry

  • Vacuum and mop

On those days you’re cleaning up the kitchen for your daily task, I highly recommend a cordless vacuum. I don’t know how a kitchen floor gets so messy, so quickly, but it does. And a cordless vacuum is a lifesaver in these instances.

If you’ve tried everything to clean your grout, watch this REEL HERE too. PowerWash saves the day again!

You know what’s ironic about things that clean things for us like vacuums and dishwashers? They need cleaned too! Try THIS CLEANING HACK to clean your dishwasher and keep it smelling fresh.

To make your home smell super clean, I love doing THIS HACK with Fabuloso.

What’s amazing about this cleaning schedule is it’s customizable. Maybe one of these weekdays is way too busy to even think about cleaning for you. That’s OK, just adjust what works best for you. To get the full checklist of my house cleaning guide, CLICK HERE. I hope this cleaning checklist for the home helps you get your cleaning done in a manageable and stress-free way.

What’s your routine for cleaning your home? Do you prefer to do it all at once or break up the tasks? Let me know in the comments below!


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