Five Practical Things Moms Should Do For An Organized Morning

As moms, our to-do list seems to be miles long. And those to-dos don’t usually include anything for ourselves. Between school, work, the house and everything else life demands of us, there’s little time left to think about us. So today, I’m sharing five practical things moms should do for an organized morning to feel more balanced and less frazzled.

Five Practical Things Moms Should Do For An Organized Morning

Get Up Before Your Kids

The first of the five practical things moms should do for an organized morning is get up before your kids do. Getting up before your kids wake up may seem like a chore in and of itself, but trust me once you start doing it, you’ll never go back. 

I recommend waking up 15 minutes before your kids to start off. This gives you time to grab your coffee, collect your thoughts and go over your to-do list for the day. 

Then you can work your way up to an hour or even an hour and half before your kids get up. Some great things to do before your kids get up are:

  • Grab some coffee (I mean no brainer)

  • Make your bed

  • Exercise or stretch for 20 minutes

  • Read your book or catch up on the news

  • Get a game plan together for dinner

  • Get dressed

  • Make school lunches

What you do before your kids get up is really up to you. But it’s best to do something that’s productive and allows you to feel accomplished before the day even really starts. This gives you that little pep in your step to continue checking things off your list for the rest of the day. Sort of like a domino effect. 

Once you start repeating this process daily, it will feel like second nature, and allows you to feel like you have more control on your day ahead.

Put On Makeup

If you’re a stay-at-home mom or a mom that works from home, it can be easy to skip getting ready for the day, most days. Which yes, there are days where it’s just easier to put your hair up in a messy bun. 

But putting on a little makeup and a cute outfit does the soul some good. And creating a routine to get dressed in the morning not only gives you a fresh start to the day, but allows you to feel put together. 

I like to keep things basic for the days I know I’m not doing much, so I’ll usually do a tinted SPF, mascara, and some lip gloss. Below is a round up of my favorite beauty products I use for a simple routine in the mornings.

beauty favorites, 5 practical things moms should do

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Quick House Tidy

This can be built into your morning routine before your kiddos get up. Doing a quick five to 10 minute house tidy before the day starts allows you to kick the day off with an organized house. 

I’m not talking full-on getting out the dust rag and broom. Just a simple pick up where you put everything back in its place and fluff the pillows. 

Depending on when and where your house gets the messiest, will determine when you do this tidy up. 

For some, it works better to do this right before bed when the house is quiet. That way, you wake up to a clean house. 

Or maybe you prefer to do it after the kids leave for school and are finished with breakfast. Whenever the time is right for you, tidying up and hitting the restart button on your house gives you that extra boost to take on the rest of the day or get a good night’s rest. 

Assign a Chore to Your Kids

Kids are never too young to start teaching responsibility. To help instill responsibility and ownership over something, have your kid(s) be in charge of a chore or two around the house. I have a whole blog post dedicated to this topic HERE.

Here are a few tasks that are great for kids to do:

  • Clear the dinner table and put the dishes by the sink

  • Load the dishwasher

  • Sweep the floor after dinner

  • Take out the trash

  • Make their bed (no matter how good or bad it looks ;) ) 

  • Put their clean laundry away

  • Help bring the groceries in and put them away

Their age will determine what task(s) are best for them. You can have them do certain tasks for a week or a month. Then, maybe rotate the task that they do. That way they’re getting exposed to different things to do around the house.

Run the Dishwasher Before Bed

The last of the five practical things moms should do for an organized morning is run the dishwasher before bed. If you have a family of four or more, you know the dishwasher can get full FAST. I like to run mine each night. Then, in the morning you can unload it while you’re drinking your coffee.

Then, it’s ready to load up throughout the day. 

You can listen to a podcast or music while you do this task too. I like to set the coffee pot to automatically start brewing at a certain time every morning. That way, when my toes hit the floor, I can grab my coffee and start my day.

Those are five practical things moms (or dads) can do every day to start their day off on a positive note.

What’s one thing you do every day to set your day up for success? Let me know in the comments below!


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