15 Family Fun Ideas

Spring and warmer weather are approaching and I can’t wait! Something about the sunshine and warm weather brings me so much happiness - and I know I can’t be the only one. When it’s warm, my kiddos (and me too!) love to do fun things, whether we’re outside or doing something fun inside. I have put together a list of family fun ideas and today I’m excited to share 15 of the ideas with you! Be sure to bookmark this post and I’d love it if you’d share with your mama friends - I love adding new moms to our community!

  • Movie night

  • Pizza night

  • Camping in the backyard

  • Make s’mores

  • Scavenger hunt

  • Ice cream sundae bar

  • Go bowling

  • Picnic in the park

  • Go fishing

  • Make play-doh sculptures

  • Read a story

  • Play board games

  • Plant a garden

  • Build a tower with anything you can find

  • Have a pj party


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